Apple launched after all those rumors in it's 'let us loop you in' keynote a complete new band for the WATCH and they added a variety of new colors to the existing band lineup. So I grabbed a black woven nylon strap for myself and I'd like to review it for you.
Like every Apple box the packiging for this product is also very simple and beautiful. If you open the box you'll find the woven nylon band in the color you've selected and a small paper with informations on it. They also pictured in the inner of the package an instruction guide how you adjust and bring on the band to your watch.

The look of the band is very nice! I do not like bright clors and I think the black one matches to my WATCH sport 42mm in space grey the best. It isn't really a black band, it is more a dark grey one. Two big advantages of this strap are the price and feel of it. You can grab an expamle for only 49.00 $ in many tech retail stores. I totally like to wear the woven nylon band becaucause it is very light, soft and comfortable.
Like every Apple box the packiging for this product is also very simple and beautiful. If you open the box you'll find the woven nylon band in the color you've selected and a small paper with informations on it. They also pictured in the inner of the package an instruction guide how you adjust and bring on the band to your watch.

The look of the band is very nice! I do not like bright clors and I think the black one matches to my WATCH sport 42mm in space grey the best. It isn't really a black band, it is more a dark grey one. Two big advantages of this strap are the price and feel of it. You can grab an expamle for only 49.00 $ in many tech retail stores. I totally like to wear the woven nylon band becaucause it is very light, soft and comfortable.